Scientific paper ID 1243 : 2015/3

Ivan Milenov, Teodoro Todorov, Irina Asenova

To meet the constantly growing energy needs must be increasingly used various alternative energy sources. At the same time, from whatever source received electrical energy, its storage in large scale remains an unsolvable problem. This s not only the demand of new energy sources, but also effective ways of storing and distribution of energy.

The report gives an overview of the development of fuel cells - the discovery of the principle of operation of the fuel cell to create different types of devices operating on this principle. The technical characteristics and parameters of the main types of fuel cells depending on the type of electrolyte are shown. The results of the newest scientific studies ways for their improvement, and the effects of their use are analyzed. Selected are criteria for evaluating the energy efficiency of fuel cells. An economic analysis of options using different types of fuel cells and their competitiveness is evaluated. They outline the prospects for the application of fuel cells in electric transport.

горивни клетки енергоефективност електрически транспорт.fuel cells energy efficiency electrical transport.Ivan Milenov Teodoro Todorov Irina Asenova


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