Scientific paper ID 1241 : 2015/3

Miglena Slavova, Galina Zamfirova

Simultaneously with the increase of production for mass use polymers aiming lightening, unbreakability, hygiene, sterility, etc., the quantity of polymer wastes increases also. Nowadays we produce over 250 million tons of plastic a year. Questions for its disposal, destruction, recycling, creating biodegradable materials, and some modern developments of these issues are the subject of this paper.

Some classical methods with their positive and negative aspects in terms of the balance between economic interests and secondary pollution are described, as well as some still little known approaches dealing with this problem.

It is shown the relative proportion which the modern methods occupy regarding to all activities to minimize the harmful effects of plastic waste. Exemption from them does not end with their transportation by garbage cars but fighting is just beginning by changing of our thinking and consciousness, which should be developed with the progress development.

отпадъци полимери рециклиранеplasticwaste polymers recyclingMiglena Slavova Galina Zamfirova


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