Scientific paper ID 1221 : 2015/3
Marko Subotić, Slađan Jovović, Dejan Anđelković, Veljko Radičević Traffic flow theory establishes two basic terms to define traffic flow speed: space mean speed and time mean speed. Research on how speed in free traffic flow depends on the size of longitudinal gradient is related to the need for determining travel time and operating costs of road users. According to HCM manuals, flow speed has been deprived from its primary role in defining level of service, while domestic recommendations give flow speed the role of primary indicator. Subject matter of this paper is the analysis of free traffic flow speed dependence on different factors, primarily weather conditions. The goal is to formulate deterministic models which optimally describe free flow speed on two-lane roads.
двулентов път свободна скорост на движение ниво на обслужванеtwo-lane road free flow speed level of serviceMarko Subotić Slađan Jovović Dejan Anđelković Veljko Radičević BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Highway Capacity Manual 2010, Transport Research Board Publications, Volume 4. Aplications Guide, 2010. [2] Jensen T., Weather and road capacity, Artikller fra Trafikdage pa Aalborg Universitet, 2014. [3] Jovović S., Brzina slobodnog toka u funkciji vremenskih uslova na dvotračnim putevima, Master rad, Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu, Saobraćajni fakutet, Doboj, 2015. [4] Kuzović Lj., Teorija saobraćajnog toka, Građevinska knjiga, Beograd, 1987. [5] Roger P. R., The Highway Capacity Manual: A Conceptual and Research History, Volume 1: Uninterrupted Flow, Springer Tracts on Transportation and Traffic, New York, 2014. [6] 2009 Quality/Level Of Service Handbook, Department Of Transportation, Florida, 2009. |