Scientific paper ID 1217 : 2015/3

Ivan Gadjev

In this article we characterize the weighted error of approximation of functions by Meyer-Kӧnig and Zeller operators with weight w=(1-x)(-1). Using the closed connection between the operators of Meyer-Kӧnig and Zeller and the operator of Baskakov, we prove that the weighted error of approximation by Meyer-Kӧnig and Zeller operators with weight w=〖(1-x)〗^(-1), is equivalent to the weighted K-functional, consequently, to the appropriate modulus of smoothness of Ditzian and Totik.

Майер-Кьониг и Целер Баскаков К-функционал. Анотация: В статията се характеризира грешката на приближение на функции с оператора на Майер-Кьониг и Целер при тегло w=〖(1-x)〗Meyer-Kӧnig and Zeller Baskakov K-functional.Ivan Gadjev


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[2] W. Meyer-K_onig and K. Zeller. Bernsteinsche Potenzreihen. Studia Math., 19:89_94.

[3] I. Gadjev. Strong converse result for Baskakov operator. Serdica Math. Journal, 40:273_318.

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[6] Z. Ditzian and V. Totik. Moduli of Smoothness. Springer, Berlin, New York, 1987.




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