Scientific paper ID 1206 : 2015/3
Teodor Zografov, Valentin Nikolov For handling heavy and ultra heavy cargo over 11t/axle there is a need for special vehicles. There are many and various types of vehicles on the market with such lifting capability therefore they must be classified by some criteria the most important of which is there purpose. The idea of this classification is to determine for the different types of vehicles basic technical properties such as: chassis geometry, turning radius, weight empty and fully loaded, weight distribution, capacity, ect. Based on these criteria there must be found appropriate methods or methodology for road design and construction (asphalt, concrete with or without reinforcement). The country lacks regulations governing the determination of dimensional loads from these vehicles on the road construction. There are not few vehicles in service since 1981 and there is a tendеncy to increase their use.
Applying the basic criteria we will distinguish four groups special vehicles for: open pit mining industrial transport intermodal terminals unique cargo handling тежки и свръхтежки товари колесни превозни средства открити рудници вътрешно заводски транспорт интермодални терминалиheavy and ultra heavy cargo special vehicles open pit mining industrial transport ntermodal terminals.Teodor Zografov Valentin Nikolov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Diviziev V., I. Kolarov, M. Prodanov Podemno - transportni mashini i sistemi, Izd. Tehnika, Sofiya, 1993. ( [1] Дивизиев В., И. Коларов, М. Проданов Подемно - транспортни машини и системи, Изд. Техника, София, 1993. ) [2] Krastev K., A. Mihaylov, V. Spasov, Ya. Boyadzhiev - Skladovi i transportno - skladovi sistemi, Izd. Tehnika, Sofiya, 1992. ( [2] Кръстев К., A. Михайлов, В. Спасов, Я. Бояджиев - Складови и транспортно - складови системи, Изд. Техника, София, 1992. ) [3] Nikolov V., I.Gadzhov - Proektirane i stroitelstvo na patishta, Izd. Baza VTU “Todor Kableshkov”, Sofiya, 2012. ( [3] Николов В., И.Гаджов - Проектиране и строителство на пътища, Изд. База ВТУ “Тодор Каблешков”, София, 2012. ) [4] The structural design of heavy duty pavements for ports and other industries – Fourth Edition, Leicester, United Kingdom, 2007. [5] Kalmar Global Catalog Ljungby, Sweden, 2013. |