Scientific paper ID 1205 : 2015/3

Miryana Evtimova

Possibilities are analyzed which simulation modeling is offering for examining efficiency and environmental impact of transport means. A short review is given of approaches and methods used for assessment and analysis of energy and environmental characteristics of railway vehicle and automobiles such as energy consumption for traction and generated emissions. Some examples for practical implementation of simulation based methods are given, their advantages and shortcoming, are pointed out, as well as unsolved problems. Special attention is paid to the necessity of appropriate database on which the values of monitored energy and environmental performance are calculated. Possibilities for further improvement and development of simular methods are outlined in terms of precision, functionality and universalization. The prospects are outlined for implementation in research and training, and for solving practical problems related to energy consumption reducing and emissions mitigation.

Симулационно моделиране енергийна ефективност екологично въздействие транспорт.Simulation modeling energy efficiency environmental impact transport.Miryana Evtimova


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