Scientific paper ID 1200 : 2015/3
Nebojša Zdravković, Milomir Gašić, Mile Savković, Goran Marković Free vibration problem of double-tapered cantilever beam with tip mass and elastically restrained root was solved efficiently and accurately by building a compact structure of algebraic equations, based on central finite difference method. Exact differential governing equation and boundary conditions were discretized by central finite differences applied upon grid points along the beam. Influence of support rigidity on mode shape function was discussed in term of discretized boundary equation. Boundary value problem was transformed in an appropriate matrix form, suitable for development of computational algorithms and solving with MATLAB routines. For a comparison purpose, a finite element method analysis was conducted in ANSYS. Testing cases were set up for numerous values of non-dimensional stiffness and mass parameters. Presented model yielded natural frequencies that were in a very good agreement with the results obtained from finite element simulation.
свободни вибрации двойно-конусовидни конзолни греди ограничен метод Теория на Ойлер – Бернули еластична основа заострени краища.free vibrations double-tapered cantilever beam finite difference method Euler–Bernoulli theory elastic foundation tNebojša Zdravković Milomir Gašić Mile Savković Goran Marković BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Laura PAA, Gutierrez RH. Vibrations of an elastically restrained cantilever beam of varying cross-section with tip mass of finite length. Journal of Sound and Vibration 108(1), 123–131 (1986). [2] W.L. Craver Jr., P. Jampala. Transverse Vibrations of a Linearly Tapered Cantilever Beam With Constraining Springs. Journal of Sound and Vibration 166(3), 521–529 (1993). [3] R.O. Grossi, B. del V. Arenas. A variational approach to the vibration of tapered beams with elastically restrained ends. Journal of Sound and Vibration 195(3), 507–511 (1996). [4] N.M. Auciello. 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