Scientific paper ID 1195 : 2015/3

A. I. Dotsenko, V. A. Levchenko, Z. V. Ignatieva, I. A. Buyanovsky

Perspective carbon coatings with monocrystalline structure are proposed for using in tribounits of heavy loaded machines and apparatus operating under conditions of boundary lubrication. These coatings allow increasing essentially antifrictional characteristics of lube oils without triboactive additives or enlarging temperature range of lube oils efficiency under boundary lubrication. Effect of the coatings under consideration on oil tribological properties is explained by reproduction of the solid substrate orientation i.e. highly ordered monocrystalline carbon in oil boundary layer, that allows forming strong boundary layers composed of homeotropically oriented molecules with increased temperature stability. Contrary to monocrystalline carbon coatings amorphous ones do nor display remarkable orientating effect and correspondingly have no influence on lube ability of studied oils

въглеродно покритие монокристалниводороди неактивни петролни вещества повърхностно-активни добавки трибологични тестове. boundary lube layer carbon coatings monocrystalline carbon coatings-orientants inactive oil surface-active additives trA. I. Dotsenko V. A. Levchenko Z. V. Ignatieva I. A. Buyanovsky


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