Scientific paper ID 1194 : 2015/3
Galin Bankov, Ivan Milenov This report presents two technical solutions to improve energy costs in bus transport. The assessment s an analysis of the operational advantages and disadvantages of the conventional diesel buses in the transport system of the Republic of Bulgaria, but also in replacing them with electric ones. On the basis of the conversion carried out by a diesel bus of the mass grade - midibus in electrical made operational model and assessed the limits to improve energy efficiency in the bus. By established methods were conducted actual experimental measurements for determining the energy consumed to travel 100 km mileage and determine the energy efficiency in both cases. The results are shown in the report. The second considers the possibility of using hybrid drive systems in buses. They must demonstrate their advantages in terms of conventional bus.
енергийна ефективност електробус електрозадвижване автобусен транспортenergy efficiency elektrobus electric bus hybridGalin Bankov Ivan Milenov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Evtimov I., R. Ivanov, G. Popov, Vazobnovyaemi energiyni iztochnitsi, Ruse, 2012 / Evtimov I., R. Ivanov, D. Popov / ( [1] Евтимов И., Р. Иванов, Г. Попов, Възобновяеми енергийни източници, Русе, 2012 / Evtimov I., R. Ivanov, D. Popov / ) [2] Stefanov S. P., V. S. Ruseva, Energoefektivni iztochnitsi i tehnologii, Rusenski universitet, Ruse, 2009/ Stefanov S.P, V. Rousseva / ( [2] Стефанов С. П., В. С. Русева, Енергоефективни източници и технологии, Русенски университет, Русе, 2009/ Stefanov S.P, V. Rousseva / ) [3] Yanev, St., N. Mihaylov, I. Stoyanov, Spravochnik s nay-dobri praktiki v oblastta na vazobnovyaemite energiyni iztochnitsi, Sdruzhenie Obshtinska Energiyna Agentsiya – Ruse, 2011, / Yanev St., N. Mikhailov, I. Stoyanov / ( [3] Янев, Ст., Н. Михайлов, И. Стоянов, Справочник с най-добри практики в областта на възобновяемите енергийни източници, Сдружение Общинска Енергийна Агенция – Русе, 2011, / Yanev St., N. Mikhailov, I. Stoyanov / ) [4] Samoilescu G., B. Ali, F. Nicolae, C. Moroianu, C. Ciobanu, M. Bejan, C. Popa, A. Barbu, L. Cizer, Z. Viorel, N. Mihaylov, K. Andonov, D. Antonova, I. Evstatiev, I. Stoyanov, V. Stoyanov, K. Martev, N. Evstatieva, A. Manukova, D. Dimov, O. Dinolov, E. Kumanova, R. Ivanov, S. Kadirova, Ts. Georgiev, Vazobnovyaemi energiyni iztochnitsi i tehnologii, Ruse, PRIMAKS, 2012 ( [4] Samoilescu G., B. Ali, F. Nicolae, C. Moroianu, C. Ciobanu, M. Bejan, C. Popa, A. Barbu, L. Cizer, Z. Viorel, Н. Михайлов, К. Андонов, Д. Антонова, И. Евстатиев, И. Стоянов, В. Стоянов, К. Мартев, Н. Евстатиева, А. Манукова, Д. Димов, О. Динолов, Е. Куманова, Р. Иванов, С. Кадирова, Ц. Георгиев, Възобновяеми енергийни източници и технологии, Русе, ПРИМАКС, 2012 ) [5] Stefanov S. P., V. S. Ruseva, Energoefektivni iztochnitsi i tehnologii, Ruse, Rusenski universitet, 2009 ( [5] Стефанов С. П., В. С. Русева, Енергоефективни източници и технологии, Русе, Русенски университет, 2009 ) [6] L. Festner and G. Karbowski, Foothill Transit Ecoliner Electric Bus Program, EVS26 Los Angeles, California, May 6-9, 2012. [7] G. Lodi, R. Manzoni and G. Crugnola, Batteries for full electric and hybrid buses: fleet operation results and relevant battery improvements, The 25th World Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition (EVS25), Nov. 2010, pp 1 - 7. [8] J. Laurikko and K. Erkkilä, Assessment of the Energy Efficiency of the Propulsion System in an Electric Vehicle – Methodology and First Results, EVS25 Shenzhen, China, Nov. 5-9, 2010. [9] N.-O. Nylund and K. Koponen, Fuel and technology options for buses. Overall energy efficiency and emission performance, VTT Technology 46, Espoo 2012. 294 p. + app. 94p. http://www.vtt.fi/inf/pdf/technology/2012/T... [10] T. Markel et al., ADVISOR - a systems analysis tool for advanced vehicle modeling, Journal of Power Sources, 110(2002), 255-266. [11] Denton T., Automobile Electrical and Electronic Sistems, Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, 2004 |