Scientific paper ID 1192 : 2015/3
Mirena Todorova, Anna Dzhaleva-Chonkova The paper analyzes possibilities of the Todor Kableshkov University of Transport (VTU) to apply the Bulgarian experience in bilingual teaching in cooperation with foreign universities and especially to implement the MSc curriculumin Rail Freight and Logistics developed under RIFLE project. As a precondition it is necessary to prepare multimedia teaching materials in two languages as well as inbuilt them in the university platform for distance learning. The bilingual presentations can be tested in teaching special subjects to international students, including those within Erasmus +Programme, delivering lectures, seminars and other forms of continuous training organized with participation of the VTU. The created Bank of Terminology in the field of transport management and logistic swill be useful to all interested students and professionals.
преподаване на два езика електронно и дистанционно обучение мултимедийни презентациидвойна степен интернационализиране на висшето образованиеbilingual teaching e-learning and distance training multimedia presentations joint degrees internationaliMirena Todorova Anna Dzhaleva-Chonkova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Todorova M., Dzhaleva A. i mezhdunaroden kolektiv. Za menidzharite v tovarniya avtomobilen transport, S., 2014, http://www.know-in.eu/e-how.html ( [1] Тодорова М., Джалева А. и международен колектив. За мениджърите в товарния автомобилен транспорт, С., 2014, http://www.know-in.eu/e-how.html ) [2] Bilingual Education – Needfor Bilingual Education, Benefitsof Bilingualism and Theoretical Foundations of Bilingual Education, http://education.stateuniversity.com/pages/... [3] Dzhaleva-Chonkova, A. Joint Degrees: Good Practices in Bulgaria, RiFLE Project Consortium Meeting, Sofia, 21-22 March 2013, http://rifle-project.eu/tl_files/fM_k0002/d... [4] Marinov M, Karagyozov K, Dzhaleva-Chonkova A, TodorovaM. MSC Curriculum development in rail freight and logistics: A Lever to establish joint degrees. 21st International Scientific Conference “TRANSPORT 2013″, Varna, Bulgaria. [5] MIT Open Course Ware (OCW), http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/ [6] Research in Transportation Economics, Volume 41, Issue 1, (May 2013), Elsevier, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journa... [7] Vázquez, Víctor Pavón, Martha Gaustad. Designing Bilingual rogrammes for Higher Educationin Spain: Organisational, Curricular and Methodological Decisions, International CLIL Research Journal, Vol 2 (1) 2013 [8] Werner Haas, The Pros and Cons of Bilingual Education, http://www.associatedcontent.com/pop_print.... |