Scientific paper ID 1191 : 2015/3
Boryana T. Ruzhekova-Rogozherova The paper comments on the characteristics of a new for the institution ESP (English in geotechnics) curriculum developed by the author. The article lays emphasis on the implementation, within the course material, of an essential language awareness procedure, such as the contrastive teaching method, often complemented by the comparative teaching approach, and contributing to learners’ grammar communicative competence enhancement. Illustrative instances are excerpted from ESP materials taught to students and examined with their active participation. Although the curriculum allows the contrastive presentation and consolidation of various grammar categories, the study considers, for the purpose of conciseness, the contrastive approach application in teaching the essence, meaning and use of – ed / - ing adjectives in English. The mentioned category turns out to be widely used in technical English texts and, consequently, s more detailed examination.
АСЦ Английски език в геотехниката езикова осъзнатост контрастивно преподаване компаративно преподаване – ed / - ing думиESP English in geotechnics language awareness contrastive teaching comparative teaching – ed / - ing wordsBoryana T. Ruzhekova-Rogozherova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Dudley-Evans T., “An overview of ESP in the 1990’s”, Thomas, O. (Ed.), 1-9, The Japan Conference on English for Specific Purposes Proceedings, Aizuwakamatsu, 1997 [2] Anthony L., Defining English for specific purposes and the role of the ESP practitioner, Center for Language Research 1997 Annual Review, 115-120, 1998 [3] Sešek U. „Teacher English“: Teacher’s Targer Language Use as Cornerstone of Successful Language Teaching, Komar, S. & Mozetič, U. (Eds), English Language and Literature Studies in the Context of European Language Diversity 223-230, Ljubljana, 2005 [4] Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment, Strasburg. http://www.coe.int/lang-CEFR [5] Ruzhekova-Rogozherova B., Uchebna programa po angliyski ezik v geotehnikata, VTU, Sofiya, 2014 ( [5] Ружекова-Рогожерова Б., Учебна програма по английски език в геотехниката, ВТУ, София, 2014 ) [6] Ruzhekova-Rogozherova B., Contrastive Teaching, Comparative Teaching and Language Awareness Enhancement. Analysis of a Contrastive and Comparative Teaching Linguistic Experiment, Foreign Language Teaching 2, 170 – 183, Az Buki, Sofia, 2014 [7] Ruzhekova-Rogozherova B., English Deverbal Adjectives and how to Teach Them. Establishing Contrast with French Categories, E-magazine LiterNet, 17.02.2012, № 2 (147), 2012 [8] De Smet H. & Heyvaert L., The meaning of the English present participle, 3rd ICLCE conference, University College London, 2009 [9] Cohen D., L’Aspect verbal, PUF, Paris, 1989 [10] Comrie B., Aspect. An introduction to the study of verbal aspect and related problems, CUP, 1976 [11] Decklerck R., A Comprehensive Descriptive Grammar of English, Kaitakusha, Tokyo, 1991 [12] Pullum G. & Zwicky A., Gerund participles and head-complement inflection conditions, Collins P. & Lee D. (eds), The Clause in English. In honour of Rodney Huddleston, John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, 1999 [13] http://artsonline.monash.edu.au/apw/files/2... [14] Huddleston R., Introduction to the Grammar of English, CUP, 1984 [15] Gramatika na savremenniya balgarski knizhoven ezik, BAN, Sofiya, 1983 ( [15] Граматика на съвременния български книжовен език, БАН, София, 1983 ) [16] Vlahova-Ruykova R., Prakticheska gramatika. Balgarski ezik, http://www.slav.uni-sofia.bg/grammar/morf32... ( [16] Влахова-Руйкова Р., Практическа граматика. Български език, http://www.slav.uni-sofia.bg/grammar/morf32... ) [17] Maslov Yu., Ocherk bolgarskoy grammatiki, Izdatelstvo literatury na inostrannyh yazykah, Moskva, 1956 ( [17] Маслов Ю., Очерк болгарской грамматики, Издательство литературы на иностранных языках, Москва, 1956 ) |