Scientific paper ID 1187 : 2015/3

Vasko Ananiev Vassilev

The report reflects the demands of the author in the field of economics of transport in terms of the transition to a postindustrial society. The transition implies a complex change in all public areas, passing not only a new phase of technological development based on information technologies and building a new type of society based on new social relations. Education economy should facilitate the entry of national transport processes for the postmodern world. The most important task of education today is to increase the effectiveness of the rights, in its adaptation to the constant changes and in revitalizing the community as a whole. One approach to the realization of these tasks is the understanding of discourse as a system of ways for the constitution of knowledge in which subjects are products of different nature relationships and knowledge to be reached through mediation with limited interpretation of preliminary schemes.

Образование икономика на знанието постиндустриално общество академична общностеducation knowledge economy postindustrial society the academic communityVasko Ananiev Vassilev


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