Scientific paper ID 1173 : 2015/3

Selchuk Duranlar, Simeon Ananiev Ananiev

Developed theme aims to explore the nature and formation of the cost of transport logistics in the transport of goods between Turkey and the European Union. Considered priorities aimed at transport and logistics with integrated use of road, water and rail transport in the logistics chain ..

Made a detailed analysis of costs in transport logistics in transport applied policies and approaches for optimization and development of freight and intermodal traffic between. An structural analysis of the cost and risk of such analyzes made in labor summarizes the main priority areas of transport policy to optimize razhodite.Pri logistics enterprises, the monetary value of increased selflessness in providing logistic services has been identified as production cost of logistics services . As a result of globalization has increased the cost of logistics activities due to changes in the quantity and quality of logistics activities.

Systematized are the main features and guidelines of sustainable development policies and intermodal freight transportation, differentiated in the field of infrastructure, vehicles and freight management. With effective and efficient logistics create advantages in terms of cost and efficiency, the activities carried out in this field is observed evaluation by the customer, and that businesses operating in this area are one step ahead of their competitors.

логистика разходи логистични разходи Турция Европейски съюз превози товари превозни средстваlogistics costs Turkey European Union transport cargo vehicles.Selchuk Duranlar Simeon Ananiev Ananiev


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