Scientific paper ID 1172 : 2015/3

Petya Koralova

Labor productivity is an important indicator that characterizes freight performance of transport operators in inland transport modes. It covers efficient exploitation of tangible assets (rolling-stock, trucks and vessels), as well as human resources in terms of ton kilometers performed. Labor productivity is determined by many factors, such as: education and qualification of employees, application of information and communication technologies, development of labor conditions and better wages.

The main objective of the paper is to present an analysis of labor productivity in inland transport modes by characterizing freight performance of transport operators and number of persons employed at transport companies. Special attention is paid to the indices for calculation of labor productivity as the accent is put on those of them that are more often used in transport. In the conclusion, the most important measures for labor productivity improvement in inland transport modes are summarized.

производителност на труда; наземни видове транспорт; численост на персонала в транспортните предприятия; извършена товарна превозна работа в ткм.labor productivity; inland transport modes; number of persons employed; freight performance of inland modes.Petya Koralova


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