Scientific paper ID 1171 : 2015/3
Antoaneta Kirova, Svetoslava Shaparova The Peoples’ Republic of Chinais marked as very prospective international trade partner of Bulgaria for the following period of 15 or 20 year, due to the growing investment and trade interests on the side of the quickly developing Asian economy. The cooperation would highly influence positively the economic development and the logistical services of our country’s foreign trade. Several lines mark the development of economic relations between Bulgaria and China, on the first place the encouraged trade exchange increasing the exports of non-ferrous metals, wine, rose oil, etc., from Bulgaria to China. On the second place, China is interested in the geographic situation of Bulgaria considering it as a prerequisite for project development in the field of telecommunications, logistics, infrastructure and IT. The paper views the basic components of the foreign trade cooperation between Bulgaria and China, featuring the potential and prospective fields for future positive development. Attention is drawn towards the transport and logistical resources for the realization of the foreign trade exchange between the two countries.
секторна характеристика международна търговия логистични вериги за добавена стойност транспортно-логистично обслужванеsectoral characteristics international trade added-value logistical chains transport and logistics’ services.Antoaneta Kirova Svetoslava Shaparova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Kirova, A., Mezhdunaroden transport, speditsiya, zastrahovane, izd. Nays, 2011 g., ISBN 978-954-8587-11-2, ( [1] Кирова, А., Международен транспорт, спедиция, застраховане, изд. Найс, 2011 г., ISBN 978-954-8587-11-2, ) [2] Rodrigues, Jean-Paul, The Geography of Transport Systems, 3rd Edition, Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, 2013, ISBN 978-0-415-82253-4, [3] Black, W. (2003) Transportation: A Geographical Analysis. New York: Guilford. [4] Kirova, A., Transport, globalizatsiya i mezhdunarodna targoviya,AcademicJournal "Mechanics, Transport, Communications", Volume 11, Issue 3/2013, Part I, Sektsiya "Ikonomicheski problemi na transporta, "III-35-42, ISSN 1312-3823 ( [4] Кирова, А., Транспорт, глобализация и международна търговия,AcademicJournal "Mechanics, Transport, Communications", Volume 11, Issue 3/2013, Part I, Секция "Икономически проблеми на транспорта, "III-35-42, ISSN 1312-3823 ) [5] Statisticheska informatsiya, NSBS, http://nsbs.bg ( [5] Статистическа информация, НСБС, http://nsbs.bg ) [6] http://www.mi.government.bg/bg/themes/kitai... [7] http://export.government.bg/ianmsp/foreign-... |