Scientific paper ID 1169 : 2015/3

Svetla Tzvetkova

The Marketing takes important place into the management system of a transport company. It combines business and public interests into the process of satisfaction of the consumer demand.

Each company, which would like to realize successfully its services, should be competitive on the transport market. This s a detailed research and analysis of its reaction, taking into account the needs and preferences of the consumers and establishment of the future behavior and development direction of the company.

The outcome of the competitive fight for the transport company depends entirely from the quality of the supplied services. The system of choosing a transport company from the consumers shall be developed by the quality criteria and expectations regarding the passenger or freight transportations exercised by the company.

маркетинг транспортен пазар развитие ефективно управление технологии превозиKey Words: marketing transport market development effective management technologies transportations Svetla Tzvetkova


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