Scientific paper ID 1167 : 2015/3

Christina Nikolova

The paper aims at presenting the impacts of the deployment of intelligent transport systems on sustainable development of transport. Another important task is to represent the results of cost – benefit analysis for different ITS – projects deployed in Bulgaria. The respective costs and benefits are proved to be key factors for the realization of the strategic transport infrastructure projects in Bulgaria.

интелигентни транспортни системи анализ „разходи-ползи“ устойчиво развитиеintelligent transport systems cost-benefit analysis sustainable development.Christina Nikolova


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[2] Nikolova, C. Deliverable 7.1. Cost – Benefit Analysis Report for the deployment of ITS in Bulgaria. SEE-ITS, 2015.

[3] RICARDO-AEA. Update of the Handbook on External Costs of Transport. European Commission – DG Mobility and Transport, 2014.

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[5] SEE-ITS. Deliverable 6.1. Impact assessment studies of cooperative ITS applications in SEE countries at regional level, 2014.

[6] European Commission. Intelligent transport systems: EU-funded research for efficient, clean and safe road transport. Directorate-General for Research and Innovation: Transport. Luxembourg, 2012.




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