Scientific paper ID 1161 : 2015/3

Anton A. Antonov

In recent years, on the Russian Railways (RZD), the tendency of the active introduction of perspective kinds of electric rolling stock (EPS) with modern traction inverters manufacturers such as "Siemens", "Transmashholding", "Alstom", "Sinara". This process, in turn, showed that the device automatics and robot (ATM) at the same time can not fully ensure the d level of safety (DB) in view of the fact that long-term operation of EPS brings dissonance in their work.

Therefore , the problem of electromagnetic compatibility ( EMC) and EPS ATM devices currently has priority. The solution to this problem lies in the presentation of the strict ments to the level of noise permitted for operation of the engine , track circuits (RC ) at the same time should be designed taking into account the effect of interference from EPS. Continuous monitoring the noise level generated by the CSE checked to ensure normal operating conditions RC.

Despite the fact that since 1998 the Russian Federation imposed ments on EMC standardization , verification methods are not marked in the document .

Check EMC electric devices and ATM is performed using specialized test facility with a certain set of software tools for recording the variable component of traction current . This is necessary to determine the root mean square ( RMS ) values of harmonic traction current operating band of the receiver to track the frequency or time domain , and compare it to the standar

Ключевые слова: Рельсовая цепь электроподвижной состав электромагнитная совместимость автоматическая локомотивная сигнализация устройства автоматики и телемеханики безопасность движения двигатель с асинхронным тяговым приводом.Key words :track circAnton A. Antonov


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