Scientific paper ID 1157 : 2015/3

Dorinela Costescu, Mircea Augustin Rosca

The impact of traffic safety is rarely d in urban planning, though the social cost of road accident is overall evaluated being very high. The recently road safety research concludes that road safety has to represents an additional criterion in selection of the best urban planning alternative. Therefore a prediction of intrinsic road safety is necessary for each urban road network configuration. An initial phase in achieving this goal consists in identifying typologies of low safety features of urban road network and relationships between functionalities of urban areas and traffic safety. The paper presents a GIS model developed to analyze the urban areas with low safety performances and to obtain the datasets necessary in definition and calibration of safety performances functions.

градска безопасност пътно-транспортни произшествия GIS моделиране.urban road safety road accidents GIS modellingDorinela Costescu Mircea Augustin Rosca


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