Scientific paper ID 1156 : 2015/3

Nikolay Georgiev, Borislav Damyanov, Violina Velyova

The rapid development of road transport and the strong dependence of modern human society of its services are inextricably linked to a number of problems of traffic organization and road safety. Annually, a significant number of traffic accidents occur in Bulgaria, most of which cause casualties, injuries or considerable material damages. The occurrence of these accidents has been contributed by a number of factors some of which not well studied. Examples for such factors are: road infrastructure characteristics, traffic flow parameters, weather condition, etc. In order to improve the level of road safety, an in-depth study and analysis of the influence of above mentioned factors on road safety are d.

This article considers the possibilities for adaptation and application of some statistical methods for assessment the influence of certain parameters on the level of road safety.

пътно-транспортна безопасност модели за прогнозиране на пътната безопасностroad safety traffic safety prediction models accident forecasting modelsNikolay Georgiev Borislav Damyanov Violina Velyova


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