Scientific paper ID 1148 : 2015/3
Julia Varadinova In the report it is made a SWOT analysis of an autotransport company. On the base of the results of the SWOT analysis, it is made an optimization of the technological design of the trucking. It is proposed a strategy for the future and effective development of the autotransport company, as it is analyzed the attractiveness of the market and the position of the competition. For this purpose, it is applied the model and the matrix of McKensey (GE/McKensey), based on the attractiveness of the market and the competitive positions of the organization.
SWOT анализмодел Мак Кенсиконкурентна позиция привлекателност на пазара технологично проектиране оптимизация.SWOT analysis model McKensey competitive position market appeal engineering design optimization.Julia Varadinova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] TahaH., Vvedenie v issledovanieoperatsiey, Mir, 1985g. ( [1] ТахаХ., Введение в исследованиеоперацией, Мир, 1985г. ) [2] Varadinova Yu., Otsenka na konkurentnite pozitsii na BDZh patnicheski prevozi – EOOD, sp. Industrialen menidzhmant, br2, 2013g. ( [2] Варадинова Ю., Оценка на конкурентните позиции на БДЖ пътнически превози – ЕООД, сп. Индустриален мениджмънт, бр2, 2013г. ) [3] Razmov T., Varadinova J., Marketingovaya strategiya i marketingovyy plan dlya zheleznodorozhnogo perevozchika, predlagayushte gopassazhirskie uslugi. VII Mezhdunarodnuyu nauchno-prakticheskuyu konferentsiyu “Problemy ekonomiki i upravleniya na zheleznodorozhnom transporte – EKUZhT”, Gosudarstvennyy ekonomiko-tehnologicheskiy universitet transporta, 11-13 oktyabr, 2012, Kiev, Ukrayna, str. 42-43. ( [3] Razmov T., Varadinova J., Маркетинговая стратегия и маркетинговый план для железнодорожного перевозчика, предлагающе гопассажирские услуги. VII Международную научно-практическую конференцию “Проблемы экономики и управления на железнодорожном транспорте – ЭКУЖТ”, Государственный экономико-технологический университет транспорта, 11-13 октябрь, 2012, Киев, Украйна, стр. 42-43. ) |