Scientific paper ID 1133 : 2015/1

Emiliya Dimitrova

The periodic monitoring of depreciation indicators of the cable insulationis essential for the operation of all cable networks. The correct choice of the values of testing voltage and their duration in the tests is an important compromise between the importance of the test and the possible destruction of the cable. The time domain reflectometer for cablefault location Teleflex MX is described in this paper. It has been especially designed to determine the fault location in power cablesquickly. There is possibility of precise automatic recognition of the cable end and the fault position. The d time is reduced to a few minutes. Methods for examinations and tests by this instrumentation as well as obtained resultsare also described.

локализиране на кабелни повреди рефлектометър мобилна лабораторияcable fault location reflectometer mobile laboratoryEmiliya Dimitrova


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