Scientific paper ID 1130 : 2015/4

Stoyan Plamenov Mitev, Galin Mladenov Nyagolov

Recycling is a process using materials (waste) for the production of new products, in order to avoid the loss of potentially useful materials. This process reduces the yield of raw materials, energy consumption and pollution of air and water. Recycling, regardless of what material is important for nature in general. This process is complicated - the collection of used products and their processing the participation of every one of us. If all care waste our existence to be recycled we will live in a - a beautiful and - cleaner world. According to the type of material processed recycling is divided into several sections: ferrous and non-ferrous metals, waste glass, waste plastics, waste of paper, Waste from food and garden waste. For each species has characteristi

Рециклиране на метали рециклиране на пластмаса ползи от рециклиранетоKey word: Recycling of metals plastics recycling benefits of recycling Stoyan Plamenov Mitev Galin Mladenov Nyagolov




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