Scientific paper ID 1127 : 2015/4
Julia Varadinova, Lidia Smilenova, Lyubomir Klyambarski In this report it is proposed a methodology for strategic analysis, which s designing the main SWOT matrix, defining basic assessments from internal and external SWOT analysis’s factors, graphical representation of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threat sand also, creating a strategy framework matrix. Strategies for development of Rollplast Ltd are proposed as a result of the conducted analysis.
стратегически анализ SWOT анализ вътрешна и външна среда конкурентни позициистратегическа картаstrategic analysis SWOT analysis internal and external environment competitive positions strategy mapJulia Varadinova Lidia Smilenova Lyubomir Klyambarski BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Varadinova Yu., Otsenka na konkurentnite pozitsii na BDZh patnicheski prevozi – EOOD, sp. Industrialen menidzhmant, br2, 2013g. ( [1] Варадинова Ю., Оценка на конкурентните позиции на БДЖ пътнически превози – ЕООД, сп. Индустриален мениджмънт, бр2, 2013г. ) [2] http://www.economic-s.ru [3] http://powerbranding.ru/shablony/ |