Scientific paper ID 1112 : 2015/4

Antonio Hadzhikolev

The issue discussed in this paper is connected with the economic situation in Bulgaria – analysis, trends and prospects for development. The aim of the conducted research is to show the current state of Bulgarian economy, to analyze and provide a solution to the issues that are related to it. A 10-year period (2004-2014) has been studied in order to reveal the global trends in the development of Bulgarian economy. In the paper there are used some economic indicators such as GDP, unemployment rate, inflation rate, average monthly salary. These indicators are compared with those in the other counties - members of the European union. The paper also focuses on the differences that exist in the economic development of the different geographic areas in Bulgaria. At the end of the paper there are given specific recommendations and conclusions for the application of certain measures by means of which the competitiveness of Bulgarian economy can be raised, the main opportunity according to the author being through overcoming the differences that exist in the development of the individual regions in Bulgaria.

икономическо състояние България българска икономика конкурентоспособност икономически анализ брутен вътрешен продукт (БВП) равнище на безработица равнище на инфлация средномесечна работна заплата райони в Българияeconomic situation Bulgaria BuAntonio Hadzhikolev


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