Scientific paper ID 1111 : 2015/1

Natalia Telyatnikova

The article will be considered as BIM is a new way of organizing and processing building projects with coordinated software inducing various significant benefits to the AEC industry. Although a relatively new process, in an industry generally slow to adopt change, BIM has made an ongoing impact in the construction process.

However, manycompanieshavebeenslow to fully implement theprocess of BIM andthefinancialrecessionhasfurtherhinderedthetransition.

The future of BIM is becoming a reality, the construction industry should see hugebenefits, through many advantages, with the structure and functions of AEC professionalsbeing transformed. The potentials of the technology involved in BIM processing have yet tobe fully realized, and will continue to amaze and inspire over the comingyears.

BIM технологии развитие строителни процесиBIM technology development processing buildingNatalia Telyatnikova


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