Scientific paper ID 1110 : 2015/1
Tereshina Natalia, Zhakov Vladimir Issues of transport, economic relations and the development of transport communications, providing acceleration of goods flows and trade exchange between the countries of Europe, Russia and Asia were first staged in the mid 80-ies of the XX century. On the initiative of the inland transport Committee of the economic Commission for Europe United Nations (ITC UNECE) a study of traffic flows between the Nordic countries and southern Europe was conducted to analyze the development of multimodal transport in this area, i.e. the transportation involving several modes of transport on the basis of a single transport-technological process. There is no doubt that transport communications of Russia can be effectively integrated into the Eurasian transport system, built on the basis of international transport corridors. This conclusion is based on the analysis of the Russian Federation railway transport system, where a significant growth of activity volumes and innovation has been most recently recorded.
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