Scientific paper ID 1084 : 2014/3
Ivaylo Anastasov, Chavdar Kolev The presented results are of field experiments aiming to improve the ground in concrete warehouse situated on weak ground base. Two test areas are executed. The blades the removal of the existing embankment and its replacement with new in two options. Measurements of the elastic and the deformation modulus are with static plate according to BDS 15130-80 and performed every stage of the trial areas. For this purpose, the following equipment is used: vibro roller weighing 10t, a wheel backhoe excavator, mini - wheel loader, cutter Asphalt Zipper. The suitability of the ground for reliable operation in the future production process in the building is evaluated. A numerical model with FEM is developed, the results were compared with those of in-situ experiments and the technical solution is optimized. Two versions of the ground are modelled, the first of which is based on the Mohr-Coulomb Theory, and the second one – on the Boussinesq Linear elasticity Theory. After selecting the design decisions in the course of construction extra in-situ tests were performed to establish the design parameters of the finished structure. Optimization is achieved of the design solution by iterative complement the analytical model with experimental results.
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