Scientific paper ID 1072 : 2014/3
Evtim Palazov , Ivan Kirov The term section used here is defined as well as the way to division of exem-plary rotationally-symmetric part surfaces to sections. The way to fill in the input data form with data describing part surfaces of each section according to the accepted rules is explained. Data are grouped together according to section type: cylindrical, conical, circular and threaded. Dimensions and tolerances of each section surface written on the drawing and sufficient for full description of section geometry are written into the input data form. Data as accuracy grade roughness tolerances of form orientation location and run-out in relation to datum surface also can be filled in the corresponding section of the input data form. Tolerances (tolerance grade 12 or higher) are added to each size without tolerance indication. Software for uninterrupted and consistent processing of part geometric data is developed for avoiding of its intermediate input. Longitudinal dimensions are recalculated to a common datum – coordinate system origin which is fixed at the right hand side part face. If there is need to turn the part positioning for its full processing longitudinal dimensions are recalculated again to a common datum – coordinate system origin which is fixed at the right end of the turned part. Tolerances of the initial longitudinal dimensions to the left end of each section remain unchanged that is just the same values that are written on the drawing. Tolerances of longitudinal, diametrical and radial dimensions written on the drawing together with tolerances added to sizes without tolerance indication form continuous tolerance zone along part contour.
CAM CAPP технологичен процес механична обработка.CAM CAPP machining.Evtim Palazov Ivan Kirov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] KIROV I., PALAZOV E., Avtomatizirano proektirane na tehnologichen protses za rotatsionno-simetrichni detayli. Vhodni danni. Chetirinadeseta nauchna konferentsiya s mezhdunarodno uchastie “Transport 2004”, Sbornik dokladi, str. 305-310, VTU ”Todor Kableshkov”, Sofiya, 2004 (KIROV I, PALAZOV E., CAPP of rotationally-symmetric part. Input data, 14th scientific conference “Transport 2004”, Proceedings, pp. 305-310, Todor Kableshkov Higher School of Transport, Sofia 2004. ( [1] КИРОВ И., ПАЛАЗОВ Е., Автоматизирано проектиране на технологичен процес за ротационно-симетрични детайли. Входни данни. Четиринадесета научна конференция с международно участие “Транспорт 2004”, Сборник доклади, стр. 305-310, ВТУ ”Тодор Каблешков”, София, 2004 (KIROV I, PALAZOV E., CAPP of rotationally-symmetric part. Input data, 14th scientific conference “Transport 2004”, Proceedings, pp. 305-310, Todor Kableshkov Higher School of Transport, Sofia 2004. ) [2] Bonev S., Tehnologiya na programiraneto, SIELA, Sofiya, 2000 (Stoyan Bo-nev, Technology of programming, Sofia, 2000). ( [2] Бонев С., Технология на програмирането, СИЕЛА, София, 2000 (Stoyan Bo-nev, Technology of programming, Sofia, 2000). ) [3] Mayers Gl., Nadezhnost programnnogo obespecheniya, M., Mir, 1980 (Myers G., Software reliability, Wiley-interscience publication, New York-London-Sydney-Toronto, 1976). ( [3] Майерс Гл., Надежность програмнного обеспечения, М., Мир, 1980 (Myers G., Software reliability, Wiley-interscience publication, New York-London-Sydney-Toronto, 1976). ) [4] Rembold U., B. O. Nnaji, A. Storr, Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Engi-neering, ADDISON-WESLEY, New York, Amsterdam, 1994. [5] Ivor Horton, Beginning Visual C++® 2005, Wiley Publishing, Inc., 2006 [6] БДС ISO 286-1. ISO system of limits and fits. Part1: Bases of tolerances, devia-tions and fits, 1988. [7] БДС ISO 286-2. ISO system of limits and fits. Part2: Tables of standard tolerance grades and limit deviations for holes and shafts, 1988. [8] БДС ISO 1101. Technical drawings. Geometrical tolerancing. Tolerancing of form, orientation, location and run-out. Generalities, definitions, symbols, indications on drawings. |