Scientific paper ID 1070 : 2014/3
Nencho Nenov, Emil Dimitrov, Petyo Piskulev Weighing the loading on the wheels of railway vehicles, both after completing repairs and during their exploitation, is an important part of the activities that provide safety during movement, reduce the wearing out of the wheelsets and the road, improve cohesion, etc.
Basic elements of the systems for weighing the loading on the wheels are their sensors. Improving the construction and the optimizing the work of the sensors leads to increase in the accuracy and sensitivity of the weighing. The report presents some results, obtained in a research of a railway sensor. The aim of the research is optimization of the construction of the sensor in order to increase its sensitivity. сензор от релсов тип изследване на конструкцията симулационен модел концентрация на напрежения.railway sensor research of the construction simulation model concentration of strain.Nencho Nenov Emil Dimitrov Petyo Piskulev BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] E. Dimitrov, Ruzhekov T., Nenov N., Angelov K., Sistema za izmervane natovarvaneto na kolelata na zhelezopatni vozila v dvizhenie s eksploatatsionna skorost ( [1] Е. Димитров, Ружеков Т., Ненов Н., Ангелов К., Система за измерване натоварването на колелата на железопътни возила в движение с експлоатационна скорост ) [2] Kosmodamianskiy A. S. Naprezhennoe sostoyanie anizotropnyh sred s otverstiyami ili polostyami. Izd. „Vishta shkola”, Kiev, 1976. ( [2] Космодамианский А. С. Напреженное состояние анизотропных сред с отверстиями или полостями. Изд. „Вища школа”, Киев, 1976. ) [3] Kudryavtsev S. V. Kontsentratsiya napryazheniy vblizi krugovyh otverstiy v gofrirovannyh stenkah balok. Izd. AMB, Ekaterinburg, 2010. ( [3] Кудрявцев С. В. Концентрация напряжений вблизи круговых отверстий в гофрированных стенках балок. Изд. АМБ, Екатеринбург, 2010. ) [4] NX Nastran 8 Advanced Nonlinear Theory and Modeling Guide. – 2011. [5] N. Nenov, Ruzhekov T., Mihov G., Dimitrov E., Measuring of Wheel Load of Railway Carriages |