Scientific paper ID 1054 : 2014/3

Stanimir Stoilov, Tihomir Krumov, Nikolay Uchikov

The primary and secondary forest road network in the region of Central Rhodoppes Mountains was studied in order to find out average length, average slope, average length, bypass coefficient, deformation on road surface. Despite in the State forestry of ShirokaLaka the forest road density was estimated at 12,22 m/ha, higher than Bulgaria’s average value, the overall state of existing forest road infrastructure in the region of Central Rhodoppes Mountainsas well as in the whole Country is not satisfied. In conclusions are made suggestions toward improvement of forest road network in studied region.

горска пътна мрежа гъстота среден наклон средна дължина коефициент на удължаванеforest road networkdensity average slope average length bypass coefficientStanimir Stoilov Tihomir Krumov Nikolay Uchikov


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