Scientific paper ID 1053 : 2014/3
Dušan Stamenković In order to increase the efficiency of maintenance and availability of rolling stock, using the development of electronics, sensor technology and computer technology, on-board and stationary diagnostics are introduced. On-board systems are installed in a vehicle and used for continuous monitoring devices in use. Stationary diagnostic systems are used for a casual-periodic inspection of railway vehicles and these are installed directly on the track or very near track. Wayside detection system can achieve condition monitoring of vehicles in time of regular operation, without stopping. Using the collected information it is possible to analyze the condition of the equipment and to predict potential failures and errors that may occur in the future. This paper describes some of wayside detection system and points out that this approach can significantly improve the condition-based maintenance of railway vehicles.
железопътни возила поддръжка на подвижен железопътен състав система за крайпътно детектиране.railway vehicles maintenance of rolling stock wayside detection system.Dušan Stamenković BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] D. Stamenković: Maintenance of railway vehicles, Mechanical Engineering Nis, 2011. [2] Lagnebäck R.: Evaluation of wayside condition monitoring technologies for condition-based maintenance of railway vehicles, Luleå University of Technology-Sweden, 2007. [3] Atmadzhova D., Dimitrov E., Nenov N., Control System for Trains in Movement, IInt International Conference on Road and Rail Infrastructure CETRA 2012, 7- 9 May, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2012. [4] Harry M Tournay: The Development of Algorithms to Detect Poorly Performing Vehicles at Wayside Detectors, Transportation Technology Center, Inc., Pueblo, Colorado, WCRR 2008. [5] Yu-Jiang Zhang: Safety IDEA Program – Final Report: Rail Vehicle Bearing Defects Detection, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, USA 2011. [6] Ž. Đorđević: Razvoj dijagnostičkog sistema za održavanje teretnih kola, magistarski rad, Mašinski fakultet u Nišu, 2012. [7] D. Stamenković, Ž. Đorđević: Modern concept of freight cars maintenance, Proceedings of the 15th International Scientific-Expert Conference on Railways - RAILCON 2012, Niš, Serbia. |