Scientific paper ID 1049 : 2014/3
Nikolay Dodev The presented paper is dedicated to the modern trends and solutions in the field of testing and evaluation of the elastic elements (springs) and damping devices of the rolling stock suspension system. The main focus of the paper is summary analysis of the testing techniques, constructions of testing benches and devices, and test results of actual samples. On the basis of the considered systems and the test results obtained in the tests appropriate conclusions and assessments are made.
The ments for comfort and safety of passengers demand strict control on the elastic elements of the suspension of high speed rolling stock. This is undoubtedly related to conducting a regular bench testing of the elastic elements in order to obtain their characteristics, evaluate their working condition, their proper arrangement in the suspension after repairs and servicing and maintaining records of test results. The latest developments in the field of electronic devices, sensors [1] and software control allow integration of systems that simulate loading of the suspension elements in their full working range with enough accuracy, fast and easy, and in this way to obtain their characteristics from which a conclusion about the working condition could be made. ресорно окачване сензори изпитване работоспособност.suspension sensors testing working condition.Nikolay Dodev BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] John G. Webster, “The Measurement, Instrumentation, and Sensors Handbook”, 1999 by CRC Press LLC [2] Simon Iwnicki, “Handbook of Railway Vehicle Dynamics”, 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC [3] Analog Devices, DATASHEET AD7938 ADC [4] N. Dodev, N. Nenov, E. Dimitrov, P. Karabashki, “Electronic Measurement and Registration System of Hydraulic Dampers Test Stand”, ISSE 2013 Proceedings, 2013 [5] N. Dodev, N. Nenov, E. Dimitrov, V. Pavlov, “Electronic Measurement System of Flexi-coil Suspension Springs Test Stand”, ISSE 2014 Proceedings, 2014 [6] D. Atmadzhova, „Kam vaprosa za opredelyane na silovi harakteristiki na vintovi pruzhini pri naprechno ogavane“, Sbornik dokladi TEMRT `96, 1996 – (D. Atmadzhova, „Kam vaprosa za opredelyane na silovi harakteristiki na vintovi pruzhini pri naprechno ogavane“, Sbornik dokladi TEMRT `96, 1996) ( [6] Д. Атмаджова, „Към въпроса за определяне на силови характеристики на винтови пружини при напречно огъване“, Сборник доклади ТЕМРТ `96, 1996 – (D. Atmadzhova, „Kam vaprosa za opredelyane na silovi harakteristiki na vintovi pruzhini pri naprechno ogavane“, Sbornik dokladi TEMRT `96, 1996) ) [7] T. Ruzhekov, Ts. Penchev, E. Dimitrov, „Teoriya i konstruirane na zhelezopatna tehnika“, Izdatelstvo na VTU „Todor Kableshkov“ Sofiya, 2011. ( [7] Т. Ружеков, Ц. Пенчев, Е. Димитров, „Теория и конструиране на железопътна техника“, Издателство на ВТУ „Тодор Каблешков“ София, 2011. ) |