Scientific paper ID 1044 : 2014/3
Vasko Vasilev Ananiev, Angelina Hristova Milikina The project risk is an uncertain event or condition that if occurs, may have a negative impact on the project. The proposed system for identifying, evaluating and managing the significant specific risks associated with the implementation of projects in the construction of transport infrastructure allows for the effective implementation of the projects. A very important element of this process is the management of risk register, which is done by tracking the process of overcoming them and assess their effectiveness. Identification and management of risks in construction is a complex task requiring the participation of interdisciplinary professionals thus are discussed in the report, especially the main elements of the process in the context of implementation based on predefined budget and project schedule.
Риск управление на рискове инвестиционни проекти регистър транспортна инфраструктураRisk risk management investment projects register transport infrastructureVasko Vasilev Ananiev Angelina Hristova Milikina BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Mateev, M., Analiz i otsenka na riska pri izbor na investitsionni resheniya, S., 2000 ( [1] Матеев, М., Анализ и оценка на риска при избор на инвестиционни решения, С., 2000 ) [2] Economic Commission For Europe, United Nations, 2003, Cost Benefits Analysis of Transport Infrastructure Projects, Geneva. [3] Ministry of Transportation and Highways, Planning Services Branch, 1992, The economic appraisal of Highway [4] Investment, British Columbia, Canada. [5] Starr, C., 2003, The precautionary principle versus risk analysis, Risk Analysis [6] Flyvbjerg, B., Bruzelius, N., Rothengatter, W., 2001, Megaproject and risk. An anatomy of ambition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (UK). |