Scientific paper ID 1043 : 2014/3
Vladimir Boyadjiev The state of organization of the renovation work of the machine fleet in our country is relatively important to the species is not small depreciation of machinery. Often in actual operation have significant reserves for optimization within the repair services. This report is devoted to research ways to improve the work of these services based on information about the operational reliability of the objects. In particular, it is used in the method of monitored exploitation regarding Hydropneumatic of complex technical objects. In a real exploitation, information is collected for reliability behavior of Hydropneumatic of objects. Determine the value of a set of reliability indicators and on the basis of their analysis to formulate specific recommendations for repair services that are engaged in renovation work Hydropneumatic of objects, including the base and of an analysis comparing.
експлоатационната надеждност сложен технически обект металорежеща машина с цифрово-програмно управление (ЦПУ) хидропневматична част ремонтна дейностoperational reliability complex technical object machine tool with numerical control (CNC) hydropneVladimir Boyadjiev BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] BDS IEC 60 300-3-2: 1998 Upravlenie na nadezhdnostta. Rakovodstvo za prilagane. Razdel 2: Sabirane na danni za nadezhdnost v usloviyata na eksploatatsiya ( [1] БДС IEC 60 300-3-2: 1998 Управление на надеждността. Ръководство за прилагане. Раздел 2: Събиране на данни за надеждност в условията на експлоатация ) [2] BDS IEC 60 812: 1985 Metodi za analiz na bezotkaznostta na sistemi. Protsedura za analiz na vida na neizpravnostite i posledstviyata ot tyah (FMEA) ( [2] БДС IEC 60 812: 1985 Методи за анализ на безотказността на системи. Процедура за анализ на вида на неизправностите и последствията от тях (FMEA) ) [3] Robert L. Sanks, Pumping Station Design (Third Edition), Chapter 27 – Avoiding Blunders, 2008, Elsevier Ltd. [4] Bayard E. Bosserman II, Richard J. Ringwood, Marvin Dan Schmidt, Michael G. Thalhamer, Pumping Station Design (Third Edition), Chapter 18 – System Design for Water Pumping, 2008, Elsevier Ltd. |