Scientific paper ID 1039 : 2014/3
Krasimir Krastanov The global market of stacker cranes is dynamic of the past ten years. Almost all manufacturers of stacker canes deliver their products all over the world except Africa, where the market is not well developed. The study shows the percentage of companies worldwide producing stacker cranes and the number of staff employed in them. The dates are provided regarding the types of products and equipment produced by companies. The market shares, the types used management software system with stacker cranes and the proportion of stacker cranes depending on their parameters are presented.
трансманипулатори складове AS/AR оборудванеstacker cranes storages AS/AR equipmentKrasimir Krastanov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Manzini R., Warehousing in the Global Supply Chain, Springer, 2012 [2] Interview: Dr. Gunter Truszkiewitz, CEO of VES Logistic Consulting, April 2002 [3] Grenier Kumbha Young, The stacker crane market, 2002 [4] www.mhi.org/ - Material Handling Institute of America MHIA [5] http://www.fem-eur.com/ - FEM - European Federation of Materials handling |