Scientific paper ID 1037 : 2014/3

Svetoslav Nikolov1,2, Valentin Nedev1, Petar Kolev1

During recent years it has been increasing interest on the phenomena of chaos in gyroscopic systems. It is well-known that depending on the speed of rotation, a gyroscopic system may lose or gain stability. Despite the overwhelming number of studies reporting the occurrence of various chaotic structures, there is yet little known about construction details and generality of underlying bifurcation scenarios which gives rise to such chaotic (complex) behavior.

Here, we report a detailed analytical and numerical investigation of the abundance of regular and chaotic behavior for rigid body (gyrostat) motion. The model contains 6 parameters that may be tuned to produce rich dynamical scenarios. Our results suggest that the heteroclinic structures with two, three, four and five fixed points from type saddle-focus occur.

жиростат хаотично поведение числен анализ качествен анализgyrostat chaotic behavior numerical analysis qualitative analysisSvetoslav Nikolov Valentin Nedev Petar Kolev


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