Scientific paper ID 1034 : 2014/3

Valentina Hristova, Doyno Petkov

Efficiency inthe remotesensing ofroad infrastructuredepends on the qualityof the method usedto detectedges.Considerationof possiblealgorithmsmakes it possible tochoose the most appropriate oneby identifyingthe factorsthat influencetheir implementation.Positive andnegative aspects ofthe methods areexamined in terms toassesstheir resultsasadvantages and disadvantages.The interest inmethods ofedge detectionis predicated on the factthat theyarebased onthe achievement of otheraims.

дистанционно изследване метод за откриване на ръбове Canny SUSANremote sensing edge detection Canny SUSANValentina Hristova Doyno Petkov


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