Scientific paper ID 1032 : 2014/3
Zoya Hubenova, Vladimir Gergov The article discusses the scientific and methodological bases for the creation of systems for intellectual support operators in complex ergatic systems. Insofar as in this class of systems central place gets ergonomic aspect, their study s an integrated approach based on recent advances in various interdisciplinary areas.
The cognitive aspects of operator training and implementation of hybrid intelligence in automated ergatic system have been present. Discussed issues related to human-machine interface, which take the utmost account of the human factor in information interaction. ергатична система човек-оператор система за вземане на решения изкуствен интелектergatic system human-operator decision-making system artificial intelligence.Zoya Hubenova Vladimir Gergov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Salvendy G. (Editor), Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics, Purdue University, 2006, Canada [2] Leontev A.N., Deyatelnost, soznanie, lichnost. M.: Politizdat, 1975. ( [2] Леонтьев А.Н., Деятельность, сознание, личность. М.: Политиздат, 1975. ) [3] Hubenova Z., A. Andonov, Aanaliz i otsenka na rabotosposobnostta na operatora v slozhna choveko-mashinna sistema. SES‘2005, Scientific Conference “SPACE, ECOLOGY, SAFETY” with International Participation, Varna,, Book I, r. 123-129 ( [3] Хубенова З., А. Андонов, Аанализ и оценка на работоспособността на оператора в сложна човеко-машинна система. SES‘2005, Scientific Conference “SPACE, ECOLOGY, SAFETY” with International Participation, Varna,, Book I, р. 123-129 ) [4] Getsov P., Polunaturno konstruirane na sistemi za upravlenie na bezpilotni samoleti,AI "Prof. M. Drinov”, 2011 ( [4] Гецов П., Полунатурно конструиране на системи за управление на безпилотни самолети,АИ "Проф. М. Дринов”, 2011 ) [5] Gercheva G., Kognitivna psihologiyata osnovni problemi na kognitivnata psihologiya, http://shmoksy.com/Books/Docs/PsyKognitive.... ( [5] Герчева Г., Когнитивна психологията основни проблеми на когнитивната психология, http://shmoksy.com/Books/Docs/PsyKognitive.... ) [6] Deborah M. Licht and Donald J. Polzella, Human Factors, Ergonomics, and Human Factors Engineering: An Analysis of Definitions, CSERIAC, 2008. [7] Bower G. H., Morrow D.J., Mental Models in Narrative Comprehension //Science - 1990. [8] Venda V., Sistemy gibridnogo intellekta: evolyutsiya, psihologiya, informatika. M.: Mashinostroenie, 1990. ( [8] Венда В., Системы гибридного интеллекта: эволюция, психология, информатика. М.: Машиностроение, 1990. ) [9] Doyle, J. C., Theoretical Foundations for Virtual Engineering for Complex Systems, 1997, http://www.cds.caltech.edu/vecs [10] Peter H. Lindsay , Donald A. Norman, Human Information Processing, by Academic Press Inc.,U.S, 1972. [11] Thomas B. Sheridan, William R. Ferrell, Men-Machine Systems: Information, Control and Decision Models of Human Performance, Hardcover, 2002. [12] Rasmussen, J., Information Processing and Human-machine Interaction: an approach to cognitive engineering. New York. Elsevier Science Ltd. 1986. |