Scientific paper ID 1027 : 2014/3

Ilka Stefanova, Plamen Atanasov

At present wireless communications are sphere, in which fast development is observed. When the numerous conditions are taken into account (most of them are adverse) the question about correct reception is in the foreground. Due to this fact it is important to examine the possible ways for realization of digital signal receiver – with their advantages and disadvantages. The choice in the specific case depends on signal propagation conditions as well as other confining factors, such as economic ones. It is possible to apply Walsh signals and a receiver with matched filters, also known as RAKE receiver. The aim of the current proceeding is to explore this very potentiality with its alternatives.

подход приемник синхронна Уолшapproach receiver synchronous WalshIlka Stefanova Plamen Atanasov


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