Scientific paper ID 1026 : 2014/3
Hristina Spiridonova, Antonio Andonov In the past twenty years, the quantum properties of matter and light have been applited to the field of information security. Research has advanced to the point that actual daveced using quantum properties are transmitting information over considerable distances. At this time, transmission speeds and hardware expense have generally limited the use of quantum devices to distribute keys rather than entire messages. These is controversy about how secure quantum messages are. It is possible to prove that the probability of message interception by an adversary is arbitrarily small, under ideal conditions. People and machines, however, can never be perfect so ther are many approaches to defeating quantum encryption. Some computer security experts have wondered why making the strongest link in a system event stronger will improwe security overall. Since public key cryptography is so hard to decipher now why spend so much time and money on an even more secure quantum encryption scheme. If deciphering is nearly impossible, why not use other techniques, sudi as social engineering, to eavesdrop. This paper will attempt to answer those questions
информационна сигурност квантова криптографияinformation security quantum cryptografyHristina Spiridonova Antonio Andonov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Bargatin I. V. Zaputanne kvantove sostoyaniya v atamnh sistem, UFN 171, 2001 ( [1] Баргатин И. В. Запутаннье квантовье состояния в атамньх систем, УФН 171, 2001 ) [2] Baumester D. Fizika kvantovoy informatsii. M. Postmarket 2002 ( [2] Бауместер Д. Физика квантовой информации. М. Постмаркет 2002 ) [3] Doronin S. I. Kvantovaya magiya, S. Peterburg,2007 ( [3] Доронин С. И. Квантовая магия, С. Петербург,2007 ) [4] Stela Ruseva, Distributed attacks denial of service type. Nature of these attacks and Defense against them, computerScience ’08 2008 conference, Kavala, Greece, September 17-20 2008 [5] Zarek W. H. Decoherence, einselection and the quantum origins of the classical. Rev. Mod. Phys. 75, 2003 |