Scientific paper ID 1024 : 2014/3
Marina Evgenieva, Margarita Georgieva, Nelly Stoytcheva Providing management, control and safety of train movement is performed by systems and devices of safety equipment, telecommunications and non-traction power supply in National Railway Infrastructure Company (NRIC) - elements of railway infrastructure.
In the current structure of NRIC management, control and safety of movement of trains is ensured by the technical unit "Signalling and Telecommunications". The division is responsible for organizing and supervising the activities of maintenance, repair and construction of safety equipment, telecommunications systems and non-traction power supply. In the paper a quantitative analysis is made of failures of systems of Safety Equipment from NRIC based on statistics. The analysis is structured in the type of failures and type of facilities of Safety Equipment. Oсигурителна техника RAMS Откази БезопасностSafety equipment RAMS Faults SafetyMarina Evgenieva Margarita Georgieva Nelly Stoytcheva BIBLIOGRAPHY [1]CENELEC, EN 50126: Railway applications – The specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS), EN50126 “Prilozheniya v zhp transporta–opredelyane i demonstrirane na nadezhdnost, gotovnost, remonto-prigodnost, bezopasnost (RAMS)” ( [1]CENELEC, EN 50126: Railway applications – The specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS), EN50126 “Приложения в жп транспорта–определяне и демонстриране на надеждност, готовност, ремонто-пригодност, безопасност (RAMS)” ) [2] M. Meyer zu Hörste: Methodische Analyse und generische Modellierung von Eisenbahnleit-und-sicherungssysteme.Dissertation, TU Braunschweig, 2003. [3] J. Drewes, R. Slovak, L. Tordai, E. Schnieder: FORMS/FORMAT 2007 – Proceedings of Formal Methods for Automation and Safety in Railway and Automotive Systems (G. Tarnai and E. Schnieder Eds.), Braunschweig, 2007, pp 355-360 [4] Normativni aktove v zhelezopatniya transport – chast 1 i 2. MT-IA „ZhA”. ( [4] Нормативни актове в железопътния транспорт – част 1 и 2. МТ-ИА „ЖА”. ) |