Scientific paper ID 1012 : 2014/3
Vasil Dimitrov The appropriate information support is necessary for the implementation of vector control on the asynchronous drives in the contemporary electric vehicles: bits of information about the actual values of drive parameters must be given to control system in real time. The most important drive parameters are current, voltage and speed of the motor. Sensors which are specific to such applications are used for this purpose.
In the paper, methodology and algorithm of sensors tests are developed. In this paper, some sensors are examined: current transducer, instrumentation amplifier, rotary encoder. They are specific to contemporary electric vehicles. Their static input-output characteristics are experimentally plotted and compared to the nominal. The absolute, relative and reduced errors in steady state operation are calculated. The values of the conversion factor of these sensors are specified. Thus an experimental verification of the developed methodology as well as of such sensors applicability in contemporary electric vehicles is done. системи за автоматично управление токови трансдусери измервателни усилватели енкодериAutomatic Control Systems Current Transducers Instrumentation Amplifiers EncodersVasil Dimitrov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Dimitrov V., Metodologiya za izsledvane na senzori, spetsifichni za savremennite elektricheski transportni sredstva, nauchno spisanie „Mehanika, Transport, Komunikatsii”, br. 2, 2014 ( [1] Димитров В., Методология за изследване на сензори, специфични за съвременните електрически транспортни средства, научно списание „Механика, Транспорт, Комуникации”, бр. 2, 2014 ) [2] Current Transducers HAS 50 to 600-S, LEM Components, 2005 [3] Sinamics Drive Systems, Catalog D21.1, Siemens, 2006 [4] Rotary encoders, Technical Specifications, available at: http://spektrum-bg.com/index?op=incremental... [5] Railway Current & Voltage Transducers, Traction Catalogue, LEM, 2008 [6] Isolated Current and Voltage Transducers: Characteristics – Applications – Calculations, LEM Components, 2004 |