Scientific paper ID 1007 : 2014/3

Ivan Milenov, Teodoro Todorov, Irina Asenova

In accordance with European energy policy the use of renewable energy sources (RES) continues to increase significantly in all European countries in the coming decades. Existing passive distribution networks carrying electricity substations under high-voltage (HV) to the end users are not always best suited to reliability and quality of power supply. Photovoltaic systems (FS) are becoming more widely used due to the shortage of conventional power fuel and completely environmentally friendly production of electricity.

Increasingly the preferred solution is to integrate systems producing electricity from the Sun to the existing buildings. By photovoltaic solar cells (PV) and related components of the systems d in the buildings is possible generating enough energy to power the entire building and even to supply to the grid. Roof solar systems with its elements and characteristics reduce the cost of transporting the conventional electricity and are a good alternative for modern architecture. In the paper is shown the impact of clouds and a comparison of the electricity produced by rooftop solar cells, which are located on both sides of the roof, facing east and west is performed.

възобновяеми източници на енергия енергийна ефективност покривни соларни инсталацииrenewable energy energy efficiency solar roof installationIvan Milenov Teodoro Todorov Irina Asenova


[1] Milenov I., Asenova I., Todorov T., „Energiyni resursi i energo-potreblenie v transporta”, Mehanika, Transport, Komunikatsii, ISSN 1312-3823, t.11, br. 3, No 0854, 2013,
( [1] Миленов И., Асенова И., Тодоров Т., „Енергийни ресурси и енерго-потребление в транспорта”, Механика, Транспорт, Комуникации, ISSN 1312-3823, т.11, бр. 3, No 0854, 2013, )

[2] Patrick J. Kiger, Are Those Solar Panels Facing the Wrong Direction?, National Geographic Society, 2013,

[3] Best Roof Orientation For Solar Electricity Generation – Your Roof 2 of 4, SolarStats,

[4] Milenov I., Dimitrov V., „Fotosolarna instalatsiya za nauchno-izsledovatelski tseli”, Mehanika, Transport, Komunikatsii, ISSN 1312-3823, t.11, br. 3, No 0858, 2013,
( [4] Миленов И., Димитров В., „Фотосоларна инсталация за научно-изследователски цели”, Механика, Транспорт, Комуникации, ISSN 1312-3823, т.11, бр. 3, No 0858, 2013, )




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