Scientific paper ID 1005 : 2014/3
Yavor Isaev, Martina Tomcheva The paper presents possibilities for simulation of various types of hardware circuits, their application and ways of realization. The advantages offered by the development board is fast, cheap and reliable performance testing of single chip computers with preparing for their software.
стенд измервателна остановка опитна постановка принципна схемаbench measurement validation facilities Scaffold schematicYavor Isaev Martina Tomcheva BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Shishkov A., Poluprovodnikova tehnika - Chast 1: Poluprovodnikovi elementi, Tehnika, Sofiya, 1989 g. ( [1] Шишков А., Полупроводникова техника - Част 1: Полупроводникови елементи, Техника, София, 1989 г. ) [2] Kenarov N., PIC Mikrokontroleri chast 1. Izd-vo Mlad konstruktor, Varna, 2003 g. ( [2] Кенаров Н., PIC Микроконтролери част 1. Изд-во Млад конструктор, Варна, 2003 г. ) [3] Kenarov N., PIC Mikrokontroleri chast 2. Izd-vo Mlad konstruktor, Varna, 2006 g. ( [3] Кенаров Н., PIC Микроконтролери част 2. Изд-во Млад конструктор, Варна, 2006 г. ) [4] Stefanov N. Tokozahranvashti ustroystva, Tehnika, Sofiya, 2002 g ( [4] Стефанов Н. Токозахранващи устройства, Техника, София, 2002 г ) [5] DatasheetCatalog.com, Free online catalog for electronic components and semiconductors, www.datasheetcatalog.com/ [6] National Instruments Corporation, Multisim for Circuit Designers and Researchers, http://www.ni.com/multisim/ [7] Microchip Technology Inc., Get ready to see a new world of 8-bit PIC MCUs, http://www.microchip.com/pagehandler/en-us/... |