Scientific paper ID 1003 : 2014/3
Georgi Pavlov, Lubomir Sekoulov, Martina Tomcheva, Yavor Isaev, Rumen Stoitsev Static converters are widely used in urban electric vehicles (trams and trolleybuses). They supply all auxiliary electromechanical devices EV and keep the charge of the battery. For this purpose, the feeder line voltage and current is transformed and decrease to values d for normal operation.
In the publication proposed option of upgrading an analog system for managing static converter for tram. The converter 600/26V (IH = 150 A) is intended to supply the battery and all electrical devices from 24V voltage overhead line. Proposal for modernization was based on microprocessor control system ensure the necessary working algorithm of the device, and control of input and output parameters for different modes. There have been a large volume of controlled trials with appropriate instrumentation, some of which are displayed and analyzed in the report. статичен преобразувател електрически транспортни средства трамвайна мотриса градски транспортstatic converters electric vehicles tram public transportGeorgi Pavlov Lubomir Sekoulov Martina Tomcheva Yavor Isaev Rumen Stoitsev BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Balgaranov A. Elektricheski transport. Sofiya, 2009 g. ( [1] Българанов А. Електрически транспорт. София, 2009 г. ) [2] Balgaranov L., Pavlov G., I. Milenov, Ch. Dzhambazki. Elektrozadvizhvane, Sofiya, 2009 g. ( [2] Българанов Л., Павлов Г., И. Миленов, Ч. Джамбазки. Електрозадвижване, София, 2009 г. ) [3] Pavlov G., V. Dimitrov. Rakovodstvo za proektirane po elektroobzavezhdane, Sofiya, 2010 g. ( [3] Павлов Г., В. Димитров. Ръководство за проектиране по електрообзавеждане, София, 2010 г. ) [4] Tehnicheska dokumentatsiya na statichen preobrazuvatel TIP 2-UKSBR-DB ( [4] Техническа документация на статичен преобразувател ТИП 2-UKSBR-DB ) |