Научен доклад ID 1565 : 2018/4

Ян Марченко, Виолина Вельова

Статията разглежда текущото състояние на организацията на автомобилния транспорт в Полша, Украйна и България. От геостратегическа гледна точка всяка от тези страни се намира на много важни транзитни коридори. Състоянието на пътищата във всяка от страните играе огромна роля за цялостното развитие на транспорта в Евразия. Сравняването на характеристиките и безопасността на пътните условия дава възможност да се направят общи препоръки за подобрение. Всяка страна трябва да покаже съвместно усилие с останалите, за да подобри характеристиките на интегрираната транспортна система.

организация на автомобилния транспорт безопасност Полша Украйна БългарияRoad transport organization safety Poland Ukraine BulgariaЯн Марченко Виолина Вельова


[1] Official website of World Road Transport Organization - https://www.iru.org/

[2] International Road Transport Union – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International...

[3] Internet site of International Road Carriers Association http://www.erscharter.eu/en/content/interna...

[4] Internet site of IRU- https://www.iru.org/who-we-are/members/memb...

[5] Internet site of AEBTRI- https://www.aebtri.com/Default_en.aspx

[6] Internet link with information for Pan European Corridors- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pan-European_...

[7]Internet link with information for highways in Poland: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Highways_in_P...

[8]Internet link with information for highways in Ukraine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roads_in_Ukra...

[9]Internet site for Bulgarian plans for road infrastructure- http://www.worldhighways.com/sections/eurof...

[10] Andruszkiewicz, W. (1997) Why building of Transeuropean Motorway North–South (TEM/A-1) has its beginning in Rusocino located on the South form Pruszcz Gdanski instead in Port of Gdansk? Spedycja i Transport, Nr 3/97.

[11] Kapsa, E., Michael Roe. Development of highway network in Poland and the future development of polish ferry shipping. European Transport Transporti Europei n. 29 (2005): 59-70- https://www.openstarts.units.it/bitstream/1...

[12]Klimek, H. Motorways in Poland – opportunities for success or threats for marine ports, (in) Competition of marine transport. Economy of marine transport. Scientific Exercises of University of Gdansk. 1999

[13]Internet site with information for the road transport organization in Ukraine http://ukravtodor.gov.ua/

[14]Internet site - https://mtu.gov.ua/en/

[15] State Statistics Service of Ukraine - https://ukrstat.org/en

[16] Ukrainian Road Network: http://dlca.logcluster.org/display/public/D...

[17] Todorova M., A. Dzhaleva-Chonkova, Karagyozov K., KNOW-IN Project Outcomes in Support of Training Road Transport Managers, ELSEVIER, Transportation Research Procedia, Volume 14, 2016, Pages 1492–1499, ISSN: 2352-1465 (16)30114-4 DOI: 10.1016/j.trpro.2016.05.113

[18]World Health Organization: http://www.who.int/violence_injury_preventi...

[19]Summary on Road Safety - WHO http://www.who.int/violence_injury_preventi...

[20] National Statistical Institute in Bulgaria- Road Traffic Accidents in the Republic of Bulgaria 2016 http://www.nsi.bg/en/content/15390/%D0%BF%D...

[21] Georgiev, N. The present state of urban traffic in Bulgarian biggest cities - is it a transport crisis?, The Twelfth International Scientific Conference Crises Situations Solution in Specific Environment. Zilina, Slovakia. 20 and 21 June , 2007.

[22]Raykov, R., N. Georgiev, I. Stoyanov, T. Berov. Technical Exploitation and safety in Transport. Todor Kableshkov University of Transport. Sofia. 2005.

[23] Road Safety Management Capacity Review Guidelines http://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/transport...




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