Научный доклад ID 999 : 2014/3
Георги Георгиев С помощта на методите на компютърната алгебра се доказва неинтегруемост на хамилтоновата система, описваща стационарните решения на смесите на Бозе- Ферми в едномерна оптична решетка. Разгледан е конкретния случай , , и .
Смеси на Бозе-Ферми Интегруемост Теория на Моралес- Рамис.Kay words: Bose-Fermi mixtures Integrability Morales-Ramis theoryГеорги Георгиев BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Karpiuk T., Brewczyk M., Ospelkaus-Schwarzer S.,Bongs K., Gajda M., Rzazewski K., Soliton trains in Bose—Fermi mixtures, Phys. Rev. Lett.93 (2004). [2]Salerno M., Matter-wave quantum dots and antidots in ultracoldatomic Bose- -Fermi mixtures, Phys. Rev.~A 72 (2005). [3] Belmonte-Beitia J., Perez-Garcia V.M., Vekslerchik V.,Modulational instability, solitons and periodic waves inmodels of quantum degenerate boson-fermion mixtures, Chaos Solitons Fractals32 (2007). [4] Bludov Yu.V., Santhanam J., Kenkre V.M.,Konotop V.V., Matter waves of Bose- -Fermi mixtures inone-dimensional optical lattices, Phys. Rev.~A 74 (2006). [5] N. Kostov, V. Gerdjikov, T. Valchev,Exact Solutions for Equations of Bose-Fermi Mixtures in One-Dimensional Optical Lattice, SIGMA 3 (2007). [6] A. Maciejewski, M. Przybylska,All meromorphically integrable 2D Hamiltonian systems with homogeneous potential of degree 3,Phys. Lett. A327 (2004) . [7] Morales Ruiz, J., Differential Galois Theory andNon integrability of Hamiltonian Systems, Prog. in Math., v. 179, Birkhauser (1999). [8] Morales-Ruiz J., Ramis J-P., Simo C.,Integrability of Hamiltonian systems and differential Galoisgroups of higher variational equations, Ann. Scient. Ec. Norm. Sup., 40, (2007). [9] Morales-Ruiz J., Ramis J-P.,Integrability of Dynamical systems through Differential Galois Theory: practical guide, Contemporary Math. 509 (2010). [10] Singer M., van der Put M.,Galois Theory of Linear Differential Equations, Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften, V. 328, Springer (2003). [11] Georgiev G., Christov O, On the non-integrability of a system describing the stationary solutions in Bose-Fermi mixtures, (preprint). |