Научный доклад ID 2577 : 2024/3
Marina Nedkova, Diana Peeva, Nela Gocheva The paper presents information about the current condition of physical development and the capacities of female students practicing field hockey in regular classes in Physical Education and Sport (PES). The study was performed at the Todor Kableshkov University of Transport – Sofia and Trakia University – Stara Zagora at the beginning and the end of the academic year.
physical development students condition field hockey.physical development students condition field hockey.Marina Nedkova Diana Peeva Nela Gocheva BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Arsova,R. Analiz na priznatsite na spetsialnata sila pri mladi voleybolistki. Yubileyna nauchna konferentsiya s mezhdunarodno uchastie 25 godini Traykiyski universitet (Arsova, R., Analysis of the indications of the special force with young volleyball players. Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 18, Suppl. 1, pp 736 -740, 2020. Online at: http://www.uni-sz.bg. ISSN 1313-3551 (online), doi: 10.15547/tjs.2020.s.01.118). ( [1] Арсова,Р. Анализ на признаците на специалната сила при млади волейболистки. Юбилейна научна конференция с международно участие 25 години Трайкийски университет (Arsova, R., Analysis of the indications of the special force with young volleyball players. Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 18, Suppl. 1, pp 736 -740, 2020. Online at: http://www.uni-sz.bg. ISSN 1313-3551 (online), doi: 10.15547/tjs.2020.s.01.118). ) [2] Arsova, R. Silova podgotovka na mladi voleybolisti, Izdatelski kompleks – UNSS, 2019, ISBN: 978-619-232-202-1 (ARSOVA, R. FORCE PREPARATION OF YOUNG FEMALE VOLLEYBALL PLAYERS, Publishing complex – UNWE, 2019, ISBN: 978-619-232-202-1). ( [2] Арсова, Р. Силова подготовка на млади волейболисти, Издателски комплекс – УНСС, 2019, ISBN: 978-619-232-202-1 (ARSOVA, R. FORCE PREPARATION OF YOUNG FEMALE VOLLEYBALL PLAYERS, Publishing complex – UNWE, 2019, ISBN: 978-619-232-202-1). ) [3] Arsova, R., „Efficiency of an experimental program for young volleyball players under field conditions”. International Conference - The Future of Education, 8th Conference edition, Florence, Italy, Libreriauniversitaria.it, 2018, 420-424, ISBN: 978-88-3359-020-2, [4] Zhelyazkov Tsv., Osnovi na sportnata trenirovka, S., 1998 (Zhelyazkov Tsv., Fundamentals of sports training” S., 1998) ( [4] Желязков Цв., Основи на спортната тренировка, С., 1998 (Zhelyazkov Tsv., Fundamentals of sports training” S., 1998) ) [5] Zhelyazkov Tsv., Dasheva D., Osnovi na sportnata trenirovka, Sofiya, Gera art, 2002, 432 s. (Zhelyazkov Tsv., Dasheva D., Fundamentals of sports training – Sofia: Gera Art,2002, 432 p.) ( [5] Желязков Цв., Дашева Д., Основи на спортната тренировка, София, Гера арт, 2002, 432 с. (Zhelyazkov Tsv., Dasheva D., Fundamentals of sports training – Sofia: Gera Art,2002, 432 p.) ) [6] Nedkova M., Inovatsii v uchebniya protses po FVS vav VU v R. Balgariya, Monogafiya, ISBN 978-619-160-6000-9-(Retsenziran) (Nedkova M., Innovations in educational process in PES at universities in the Republic of Bulgaria, Monograph, ISBN 978-619-160-6000-9-(Reviewed) ( [6] Недкова М., Иновации в учебния процес по ФВС във ВУ в Р. България, Моногафия, ISBN 978-619-160-6000-9-(Рецензиран) (Nedkova M., Innovations in educational process in PES at universities in the Republic of Bulgaria, Monograph, ISBN 978-619-160-6000-9-(Reviewed) ) [7] Petkova L., Kvartirnikova M. Testove za otsenyavane na fizicheskata deesposobnost, M i F,1985 (Petkova L., Kvartirnikova M. Tests for assessing physical capacity, M and F, 1985) ( [7] Петкова Л., Квартирникова М. Тестове за оценяване на физическата дееспособност, М и Ф,1985 (Petkova L., Kvartirnikova M. Tests for assessing physical capacity, M and F, 1985) ) |