Научный доклад ID 2412 : 2023/3
Milan Milosavljević, Sandra Kaslica, Aleksandar Blagojević Railway crossings are the most sensitive points of contact between rail and road traffic. They represent potentially risky places for accidents and incidents, i.e they contribute to endangering traffic, so their monitoring and improvement leads to a comprehensive increase in safety.
In this paper, six railway crossings on the part of the mail railway line Niš – Dimitrovgrad are considered. We choose one part on this line between Staničenje and Sukovo i.e station Pirot because this six crossings which represent alternatives are loacated in the city area. Ten different criteria were formed and divided into three main groups: safety criteria (number of accidents), road exploitation characteristics and participants (category of the road, frequency of road traffic, speed of movement of road vehicles, visibility triangle, behavior of road traffic participants) and railway exploitation characteristics (train speed, method of security, the width of the railway crossing, the angle of intersection of the railway and the road). The first part of the model refers to the determination of the weight coefficients of the criteria using the CRITIC method. The second part of the model is based on TOPSIS and SAW methods which is used in the evaluation of alternatives. The goal of this paper is to analyze the characteristics of railway crossings, the behavior of road traffic participants at railway crossings, accidents and incidents, and to apply the multi-criteria mathematical model to come to a conclusion about the state of traffic safety at railway crossings in the observed part of the railway line. The aim of the research is to rank railway crossings according to priority for increasing the level of insurance based on all safety characteristics. Validation of the model results was performed through the sensitivity analysis of the solution to the change of the values of the weight coefficients of the criteria. In addition, a sensitivity analysis involving the application of the other MCDM methods, which confirm the previously obtained alternative ranking. railway safety railway crossings CRITIC TOPSIS SAWrailway safety railway crossings CRITIC TOPSIS SAWMilan Milosavljević Sandra Kaslica Aleksandar Blagojević BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Blagojević, A., Kaslica, S., Tričković, G., Stević, Ž., & Pavelkić, V. (2021). Evaluation of safety degree at railway crossings in order to achieve sustainable traffic management: A novel integrated fuzzy MCDM model. Sustainability, volume 13(2), pp. 832-851, ISSN: 2071-1050. [2] Blagojević, A., Stević, Ž., Marinković, D., Kaslica, S., & Rajilić, S. (2020). A novel Entropy-Fuzzy PIPRECIA-DEA model for safety evaluation of railway traffic. Symmetry, volume 12(9), 1479, ISSN 2073-8994. [3] Diakoulaki, D., Mavrotas, G., Papayannakis L. (1995). Determining objective weights in multiple criteria problems: The critic method. Computers & Operations Research, Volume 22 (7), pp. 763-770, ISSN: 0305-0548. [4] Hwang, C. L., & Yoon, K. (1981). Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems: Multiple Attribute Decision Making: Methods and Application. Springer Verlag. [5] Kasalica, S., Obradović, M., Blagojević, A., Jeremić, D., & Vuković, M. (2020a). Models for ranking railway crossings for safety improvement. Operational Research in Engineering Sciences: Theory and Applications, volume 3 (3), pp. 85-100, ISSN: 2620-1607. [6] Kasalica, S., Tričković, G., Milosavljević, M., Jeremić, D., & Vujović, D. (2020b). Assessment of the degree of safety at railway crossings in Serbia conducted by drivers. XIX International Scientific-expert Conference on Railway „Railcon 20“, Niš, Serbia, pp. 53-56, ISBN 978-86-6055-134-6. [7] Khairul, Simare-mare, M., & Siahaan, A. P. U., (2016). Decision Support System in Selecting The Appropriate Laptop Using Simple Additive Weighting, International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering & Research, vol. 2, no. 12, pp. 215-222, ISSN: 2455-1457. [8] Milosavljević, M., Kasalica, S., Jeremić, D., & Vil, G. (2018). Application of fuzzy TOPSIS method for selection the additional protecting system on railway crossing. XVIII International Scientific-expert Conference on Railway „Railcon 18“, Niš, Serbia, pp. 57-60, ISBN 978-86-6055-105-6. |